Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More ramblings!

I finally fit into a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans! Granted, they were my 'transitional' jeans after P&L were born and not a great size, but they fit and that's not something I could say a month ago.

Monday while out at Ciera's lesson I walked a mile around the track and last night before her game I walked 25 minutes around the park. Every step counts.

Over the weekend I stopped waking myself up by 3:30 to pump and allowed myself to just wake when I became 'uncomfortable'. I have some sleep issues though and I was awake almost all night thinking 'it might be time'. I also found myself dreaming that I was pumping while lying down-oh how nice that would be! My supply didn't drop too bad and really I can't say if it was from cutting out the 1-4am pump or cutting out a session all together(I'm down to about 6 sessions a day). I'd been getting about 85 oz a day last week and I went all weekend without recording how much I pumped. When I started back up on Monday I was down to 75 oz and yesterday was back up to 80 oz. I go back and forth between not obsessing over how much I pump each day to needing to know down to the quarter ounce. We are 9 weeks PP though and it's almost time to stop obsessing and just pump what I can, when I can. We have another milk donor that just delivered and she is producing tons of milk, so I know that I could cut back and the babies would still have plenty of milk.

In just a few short hours I get to board a plane and go visit STE and family! I have been eagerly awaiting this trip since the babes were born and am so glad that I went ahead and booked the flight back in January. Knowing I get to visit has made it much easier to get through the last 9 weeks.

Most days I'm doing just fine, but I find myself quite irritable on a regular basis and I'm not sure what is responsible, hormones or lack of sleep. I'm guessing it's a bit of each. This 'limbo' time is tough. It's too soon PP to really think about what to do next, but the mind is racing and really wants to know where we're going from here.

The kids only have 20.5 more days of school, but they have a TON of work to do between now and then. Our STAR testing is now over, but the workload increased this week. Logan has 1 more book report that is due by the 18th and he has to do an oral presentation in addition to the written report. He also has to do a research report and it's due on the 11th. It must include an oral presentation in addition to a written report as well. Plus he has several writing assignments due this week in addition to all of his regular work for the week. He seems to have it under control, but as his mother I'm freaking out a bit over the work load. Ciera came home yesterday with a lot of homework as well. It appears that her teachers' have doubled up on lessons to get through everything by the end of the year. For some reason her work load doesn't cause me the same anxiety.

The kids did get to have a bit of fun during PE today. They got to have Skate Day. Ciera of course did not participate, but she got to hang out with her friends and goof around for about an hour. Logan got to take his Ripstick to school and ride around for 30 minutes. It was a great day for it, not too hot and not to breezy cool. It's been nice to have the weather back in the mid to low 70's.

While I'm gone, not much will be happening (this was not an accident, it took careful planning to find a few days where I wouldn't miss anything by being gone). Thursday Ciera has practice but that's it. Brian is taking the couple of days off work to get the kids to and from school and the kids claim they will stay on top of their assignments while I'm gone.

Our weekend is pretty light. Logan has basketball pictures and a game. We have dinner with my nephew for his 10th birthday and Ciera has softball practice on Sunday. I may drive to Vacaville on Sunday to have lunch with some fellow surrogates, but I just can't decide if I should or not. I've decided to wait and see how scheduled I feel by then.

I'm thinking that April may have been the fastest month this year. I can hardly believe that the month is almost over!


Sarah Andrews said...

Sounds like you are really doing well Cyn. Congrats on fitting into pp jeans! You are very inspiring. I tagged you. I know you aren't big on tagging but I want to know the answers so you have to fill it out. :O) xoxo

MyLifeMyWorld said...

PP jeans...WOOHOOO!