Monday, April 20, 2009

Some bragging to do

You may recall that Friday started out really early, 3:45. I did manage to go back to bed from 6-7 before getting Logan up and pumping one last time before the field trip. We had about an hour drive to get to the 'wetland preserve' in Yolo County. Ciera hates all field trips, so she was less than impressed. I on the other hand had no idea we even had a wetland preserve and was surprised to learn that most of the Sacramento valley was once seasonal wetlands until the river was diverted.

I was able to pump during our lunch break and then we were off to drive through the wetlands and view the birds. I'm not much of a nature gal, so I was about done by then. It was neat to see and to know that it was around (in case anyone I know ever wants to see that sort of thing).

We got back to school a few minutes before dismissal. I was feeling a little tired, but not too bad considering I was up so early.

Logan had a basketball game that night and it was a great game! They won 37-11, but most importantly the team progressed so much since their first game. They'd only gotten to have 1 more hour of practice, but the boys really seemed to get the defense and offense Brian was trying to teach them. There were a lot of great assists, rebounds and shots from virtually every player. Logan really did a great job of being aggressive and not being hesitant with the ball. He got to play point guard some and his favorite, the 4 position. He made almost every basket he shot and scored double digits! He made some great assists as well. We were really proud of how well he did and how confidently and aggressively he played. He did everything we had asked of him!

After a quick hug goodbye, he was off to his Grandma and Papa's house with his cousin so that he wouldn't have to spend Saturday at the ball field. We stopped by the park for Brian and Ciera to pitch and I took a wee nap in the car. We stopped by In-N-Out for a quick burger on the way home. I headed to bed (remember I was up early) and Brian and Ciera went back out to hit at the batting cages.

Saturday we were up by 6 and at the field by 7:45. It got VERY hot this weekend-90+degrees! The girls played great and won all 3 of their games. Ciera had some great hits. It was really nice to see her hard work pay off! After the final game we headed to Grandma and Papa's so Ciera could jump in the pool. The boys had spent some time in the pool earlier in the day and said that the 68degree water felt great!

Logan ended up staying with his cousin another night, so Brian, Ciera and I headed home again. We stopped by Sam's Club to pick up a few necessities and a trampoline. Brian is working hard to get it put together by Tuesday for them (in all of his free time).

Sunday was even hotter than Saturday, but fortunately we had no sunburns at our house this weekend. The girls had another long, hard day. They won their first 2 games and ended up with 3rd place. The team as a whole really came together and showed great promise, we just gave up a bit during the last game. Ciera worked hard, ran hard and aggressively ran the bases (which she's really been working on).

After another quick jump in the pool, we headed home with Logan. It was a long and tiring weekend, but it was great to see both kids do so well. Plus I got to work on my tan and my pumping didn't suffer, in fact I got more milk than average on Saturday and Sunday.

Today was another VERY hot day-92 I believe! I took Brian's car in for an oil change and had lunch with a friend while I waited. I also picked up a couple pairs of shorts so I don't melt in the heat. Ciera and I plan to pick up some snacks in preparation for our big weekend to Fresno.

The kids have STAR testing this week, so minimum days on Tues, Wed and Thurs. Logan has his 3 friends coming over on those days (while the moms are at work) and Ciera is 'maybe' going to make plans. Tuesday she gets to go see 17 Again with her Grandma (Logan declined the invitation-he claims he doesn't like movies at the theater anymore) and then a game that night. Wednesday she may get together with a friend, but she always seems to forget to make the plans, so we'll see. She has a pitching lesson that night and Logan has basketball practice with Brian. Thursday currently has no plans or commitments. Friday we are back to a full day at school and Ciera gets to leave early. STAR testing also means that the kids get a hot breakfast all week.

She has a tournament in Fresno this weekend, about 3 1/2 hours from home, so we plan to leave early so we don't have to drive in too much Friday traffic. Plus the game on Saturday is at 8, which means leaving the hotel at 6:30AM! I'd like to get some rest before getting up so early. Friday will be a busy day though. I'm going to have an early lunch with an online friend (A Potpourri of my Life). She had a son through surrogacy and he's probably close to 4 months old already and I still haven't met him. They are a couple of hours away, but are getting ready to move much further away, so we had to squeeze in a visit. We'll leave from lunch to head to Fresno. I can't think of a better way to start a trip than a delicious lunch at Red Robin and hearing all about the last few months with her new little guy!

When we get to Fresno I also get to meet another online friend through surrogacy(So I married a Republican). I'm always a little nervous to meet new people, but I try to remember that if I hadn't been brave enough to get together with local surrogates 4 years ago that my surrogacy experience would've been entirely different. Sometimes I just have to 'get over myself' and try new things.

The good news is that the temperature should be heading back down to normal 70 degree weather by Wednesday. We just have to get through tomorrow!