Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monday-our easy day

Aside from everyone having to get up and get somewhere on time, Monday was supposed to be our 'easy' day on the calendar. We had no lessons, practice, games or anything. Within an hour of taking the kids to school my mom calls to see if the kids are available. My mom decided to take my niece, Dorothy, to get her picture taken and found out that my other niece, Melody, didn't have school. So she thought she might be able to get a picture taken with all of the local grand kids. I decided that I could realistically get the kids to the portrait studio after school without too much effort. The kids weren't thrilled, but at 10 & 12 they can be bought with 4 quarters and an ice cream at Dairy Queen. The pictures actually turned out quite nice despite Logan's sweat P.E. hair. It was also nice to see Dorothy and Melody for a bit. I hadn't seen them since Christmas.

While at the mall Ciera checked out a few stores and Logan and I picked up a birthday present for my nephew-a whole 2 weeks early! Ciera didn't understand why I didn't wait until the Friday before his birthday, but I feel so much better knowing that it's been bought and we're prepared.

Of course everything takes longer than I expected so, Brian got dinner started for us. We ate quickly and Brian and Ciera were off to pitch and hit. Logan also got some basketball time with his dad while I was pumping.

Logan has hopefully his last book report of the year due on Friday. He began writing it on Monday evening. I helped him with how to include quotes, but the rest of it he has done on his own. He finished 3 paragraphs on Monday and felt he had plenty of time in the week to finish it up.

Monday I had planned to get caught up on the blog, but my keyboard was acting up again. I'm not sure what it is, as it's now working just fine, but that's my excuse for not blogging Monday. It had nothing to do with the wee nap I took to make up for having to get up so early to get the kids off to school. I really have no idea how working people do everything!