Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally catching up!

Tuesday I didn't even try to pretend that I wasn't going back to bed after taking the kids to school. I threw a sweater over my PJ's and off we went. I very happily climbed back into bed for a morning nap. I awoke with the intention of going to the library to pick up the 4th book in the Percy Jackson series. I was seriously bummed when I got there and found that they had cut back the library hours. They were now closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays! So I went by Safeway for a few items instead.

Tuesday night Ciera had a softball game, so the afternoon was filled with the usual hurry up and get something in our bellies before heading out. I believe we had spinach ravioli that night and Ciera had a chicken salad sandwich-spinach in the braces is a nightmare to clean! Logan also did a great job of finishing up his book report. I had hoped he'd edit it on Wednesday, but he felt like waiting to edit in until Thursday was just fine. Honestly, he didn't think it even needed to be edited.

Tuesday had been fairly breezy all day, but it was downright COLD that evening. While the girls were warming up, Brian and I walked the trails at the park. My legs were still a bit sore, but I thought walking might actually help them to feel better. I had now officially 'walked' on purpose twice since becoming pregnant!

Ciera had the 7:30 game, which means we don't get back home until at least 9:30 and by then everyone is hungry again. So after a quick snack we were all able to go to bed much later than we should.

Wednesday mornings are the WORST!! It is so hard to get up on Wednesday's after going to bed so late Tuesday nights. I contemplated letting the kids sleep in, but then remembered that STAR testing is next week and they'd be missing out on the practice tests. So, up and ready, except for me. I'm getting pretty good at taking the kids to school in my PJ's-which I swore I would never do.

Wednesday I did NOT go back to bed! I can't honestly recall what I did with my day, but it did not involve enjoying the softness and warmth of my bed. I did make it to the library though.

Ciera had a pitching lesson at 5:15 and Logan had basketball practice at 6:30. I hear that the practice went really well and Logan did a great job bringing back his aggressiveness. Hopefully we'll see it again at his game Friday night.

Ciera and I stopped by Target to try on a few 'feminine' items. Ciera had expressed an interest in something other than a sports bra and I finally had a few minutes to let her try on some other options. $37 later we were headed home. Since Wednesday was such a busy day, there was no home cooked meal. We all had to get by with Panda Express for the boys and Carl's Jr. for Ciera and I. I don't think anyone complained though.

Thursday! What can I say about Thursday! I started the day with copies at school and a walk around the park with the dog. If you're counting, this is my 3rd walk!! My legs feel great today and the walk was even enjoyable. I guess I'll have to start walking faster.

A friend from when the kids were in preschool found me on Facebook and inspired me to try to figure out how to put up some pictures. I actually found where we keep them on the computer and blew my day messing around with that.

For lunch I cooked up some artichokes. They had sounded really good and were quite enjoyable while eating them. However, they left me incredibly gassy for the entire afternoon/evening, stomach aching gassy!

Ciera had a scrimmage at 5:30, so we had very little time after school to do anything before heading out. She got to pitch some and Logan rode his rip stick around. They played until almost 7:30 though, so it was a long day. The family stopped by Subway for dinner while I ran home to pump.

Once home, Logan still needed to edit his report and Ciera had some homework to finish up as well. I was in rare form, as the artichoke gas was still really hurting me, plus it was getting late and I was TIRED! After a couple go-rounds, Logan finally got his paper edited and printed out. I could finally go to bed.

Ciera's class has an all day field trip today (Friday) that I am driving on. I was a little overwhelmed Thursday night with the technicalities of how to get us all to school on time with me showered and ready for the day. How early was I going to have to get up to be dressed, fed, pumped and with a packed lunch? I was tired just thinking about it!

The answer is 3:45! At 3:45 I got up to pump, folded the load of laundry that Ciera needed clean (at 9:30 she asked me to cut off a pair of jeans into shorts since it would be so warm on the field trip) and was in the shower at 5:00. Hot water in the mornings is carefully allocated. There was not a 'time' for me, but I figured if I showered with Brian at 5am I shouldn't throw off the schedule. So that left me some time now to get caught up. I have every intention of going back to bed for 45 more minutes as soon as I wake Ciera up.

Tonight is Logan's second basketball game. He then gets to sleep over at his Grandma and Papa's so he doesn't have to wake up so early on Saturday. Ciera has a tournament this weekend and both days we'll have to be up early. We have to leave by 7 on Saturday and Sunday could be even earlier. Thankfully our last game on Saturday is at 2, so we should be able to get to bed early on Saturday night.

I will try to update on Monday if napping doesn't win out. It's possible that Brian will get a chance to upload the Easter pics this weekend, but I can't make any guarantees. I know I said they'd be up Wednesday night, I won't make anymore promises.


MyLifeMyWorld said...

Wow, sounds like you had one heck of a week!

I love walking too, I'm so happy spring is here and I can get out and enjoy the fresh air again.

J and D said...

Another busy week for you. I hope you have another great week, with a few quick naps.