Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break begins!

Friday was our final day before Spring Break! Logan's class went on a field trip to the Eco Station. The Eco Station is a really great non-profit organization that takes in unwanted 'exotic' pets and cares for them, as well as educates kids that they are not 'neat' pets. They are basically the SPCA for lizards, birds and fish.

I thought that I had been there previously with Ciera, but when we started the tour I realized I had been there with Logan when he was in 1st Grade. As a 6 year old he was unwilling to touch the lizards and snakes, but this time he loved it! The tour guide is a very funny guy full of useful scientific information. He even carries around in his pocket the state science standards for the different grades so he makes sure he's touching on the 'important for each grade' information.

We then went to a nearby park for lunch and to play. The weather was beautiful and the kids had a great time. Logan even got out his basketball and used the basketball courts with a few kids.

Friday night was Logan's first basketball game of the Spring season. Brian is coaching and they only got 1 hour of practice, so we weren't expecting too much. Also, they only had 6 boys with an additional boy added at the game. They ended up losing, but we can only go up from here! It gave us a good opportunity to see what Logan can really be working on and hopefully he will bring his confidence back onto the court with him in 2 weeks.

Saturday was a blank day on the calendar and we took advantage of it by sleeping in and only leaving the house to rent movies. Actually, Brian and Ciera still went out to pitch, but Logan and I declined to get out of our PJ's.

Sunday Ciera and Brian had to wake up to get to softball practice, but Logan and I got to sleep until 8:30. We had a quiet morning. I started to clean up the kitchen and got sidetracked into reorganizing it instead. But I finally got the counters wiped down before heading to bed. I got Ciera to clean up her room with the promise of a trip to Target when it was clean. Logan has a few gift cards burning a hole in his pocket, so he came as well. Since the three of us were going, Brian joined us as well, although I know he regretted the decision 10 minutes into the trip.

Logan got his orthodontic appliance on Thursday, but really just started wearing it Friday night. It's basically a retainer to expand his jaw and do something to keep his bottom teeth from hitting the inside of his top teeth. There was a lot of playing around with it in his mouth over the weekend, but I think he now understands the importance of leaving it alone, hopefully.

Today is our first day of Spring Break. Logan and I slept until about 9:15 and Ciera is about to be woken up. She has a lesson at 3 and then will be seeing a movie with my mom. Logan opted out of the movie, there just wasn't anything out right now that interested him. We are hoping to set up Savings Accounts today, but that may wait until tomorrow-somehow it's almost 11 already!


MyLifeMyWorld said...

Woohoo for spring break! Though your spring and my spring look very different, yours looks like summer...(can you tell I'm jealous?). Whats the weather like there anyway?

Enjoy the week, it goes so fast before it all over and back to the grinding board.

Love the new blog...cherries and all! Should I keep the Twins one up on my blog list too? Will you be posting on that one still?

Cyn said...

It can't hurt to leave it up for a bit. I'm not really sure how to split things up. I will mostly post here, but I think I will add pics there occasionally. I guess that's something I will have to figure out-I'm sure the answer will come to me :)

Betsey said...

That field trip sounds fun. Where is Eco Station?

Cyn said...

Eco Station is in Rocklin off Granite Drive. I believe they are open to the public most of the time as well.