Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Time to pack up the pump?

This is a repeat entry from the twins' blog, but it's such big news in my life that I felt the need to share it everywhere.

The babes are 9 months and 10 days and I think I'm just about done pumping. I only got 11.5 oz today. I've been waiting for the output to not be worth the effort and I think we're just about there. Technically, I was supposed to stop at the end of November, but it's really been hard to stop this time. Partly because the amounts have been so high and perhaps partly because I don't really know if I'll ever have this opportunity again. I just hadn't really been ready to give it up, but I think the time is coming soon. Perhaps by the end of the week even?


Millie said...

Ah Cyn,
I'm guessing that it is bittersweet for you. Over 9 months is an amazing amount of time pumping. And now with working too, WOW. I'll be thinking of you.

MyLifeMyWorld said...

I'm sure it's very bittersweet but you have done soooo good! I commented on the other blog too but thought I would send you hugs here too!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Hmmmm, I read this post already...we need an update there my friend. How's life? How's the Christmas prep, started yet? I just started this weekend and didn't get much done, tisk tisk.

Did you pack up the pump? Need some