Friday, May 8, 2009

Ortho, Oatmeal and a PS3

Tuesday night was the playoffs and Championship game for Ciera's Tuesday night league. They barely squeaked by against the number 4 seed, but they did make it to the Championship game and won that game easily.

Wednesday Ciera and I had dental cleaning appointments. I believe I've mentioned before just how much I love our dental office. The gal that cleans our teeth is phenomenal and I love visiting with her. I have 2 favorite dentists and I generally get to visit with both of them when I go in.

We of course had a lot of baby talking to do. They oohed and aahed at the pictures and had a ton of supportive things to say. One of the dentists had her 2nd baby a few months before I delivered, so we were even able to talk about pumping.

Unfortunately Ciera and I both have to go back for fillings. I only have 1 and am going in this morning. I think 1 cavity during a pregnancy wasn't too bad. I do have some gum issues that I will have to start taking better care of, but again, not too bad after a twin pregnancy. Ciera has always had 'unfortunate' teeth. She hadn't had a cavity in over a year or two, so we're just thankful for the break. She has 2 little ones and a third that is a bit larger. She was unwilling to skip school for the filings though, so her appointments are spread out a bit.

Wednesday afternoon the school held a volunteer appreciation shin-dig. It was not your typical stiff event with a sheet cake and some punch. These ladies went all out and each brought something to share. We had cheese, crackers, salami with cream cheese and 'something' (delicious though) and a ton of desert choices. It was a wonderful time visiting with the other parents and with the staff at school. It felt just like a little party!

Thursday we all got to sleep in a bit. The kids had 9am ortho appointments. Logan's retainer has done it's job expanding his upper teeth, so he no longer has to expand it every other day. He just has to continue wearing it until who knows when. He wasn't too pleased about having to wear it, but at least he won't have to expand it and deal with it hurting. Ciera got another bracket added and they tightened things up again. Prior to the appointment she reminded me that she'd need 'all soft food' and asked if I'd get her Jamba Juice and a bean burrito. I'm not really sure that it hurt this time as she didn't take any Advil, but I did bring her the 'special diet'.

While I was at Jamba Juice the guy asked if I wanted to try the Oatmeal. He said "It's delicious!" After I agreed to buy it I noticed that on the Oatmeal sign it says "It's delicious!" So I was a bit leery of it. I have been making my own oatmeal every day, as it's supposed to help with my milk production. I LOVE my oatmeal. I cook it in milk rather than water and add a good spoon of brown sugar. Jamba's oatmeal wasn't horrible, I would buy it if I was traveling or needed a bowl of oatmeal while out of the house. But I would definitely NOT be tempted to trade in my homemade oatmeal for theirs. It was filling though, just like he had said.

Ciera had softball practice on Thursday night, so I took her to that and walked a mile around the track. This was my 4th day in a row of walking a mile. I'm not fast, but I was consistent with my laps and I could still feel it in my legs. I really have a lot of work to do, but I figure this is a good start.

Brian headed back to the gym this week as well. It's really hard for him though because it means getting up at 4:15. I've started helping to ensure that he's in bed by 9:30 at the latest and I get him up at 4 when I get up to pump. So far it's worked out and I'm very proud of his dedication to the decision. The choice was to start using the gym membership or cancel it.

Brian has been considering getting a PS3 for quite awhile now. At Christmas time he had decided against it, but as we were talking about Mother's day and Father's Day, he mentioned that he'd decided to save up his 'extra' funds for the PS3. It seemed rather silly to me for him to wait until his birthday in July. After seeing that he was really willing to work 'gym time' back into his schedule, I decided to get it for him sooner. However, I was going to wait two weeks until Logan was done with all of his extra big projects at school. I didn't want him to be sidetracked by the PS3 and I certainly didn't want to be fighting over it with him. Logan came home Wednesday night with virtually no work. He had worked REALLY hard at school and was well on his way to completing all of the extra work and projects, AND he had figured out how to do it all on his own. So I decided to pick up the PS3 on Thursday.

Both boys were very excited to set it up and play Thursday night while Ciera and I were gone. I was so surprised to see them both NOT playing when Ciera and I got home around 8:30. They were both getting ready for bed. I had expected it to be a late night and to fully be regretting suggesting that we attach it to our bedroom tv. They did a fantastic job of not making me regret any of my PS3 decisions!!


MyLifeMyWorld said...

PS3, woohooo! Is this your first gaming system...their addictive for the alert. We just love our Wii.

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Oh and yeah, dentist We have ours tommorrow, I'm just dying to know how many cavities I get. I ALWAYS get a cavity after pregnancy, I think it's because it makes my teeth weak...

Cyn said...

Sadly, we have a PS3,a Wii, a PS2, a Nintendo 64, a PSP and 2 Nintendo DS's. We certainly didn't "need" a PS3, but there are a few games that he REALLY wanted and they are only PS3. At least we don't have an Xbox.

I've heard it said that women typically end up with a cavity or two after a pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, we do too, it's ridicoulous how far we came from the good old Atari.

We had an atari, remember those? The beginning of the

Now we have 3 computers and a laptop, PS1 (but it's dinasaour now), PS2, Xbox, Xbox360, Wii, 2 DS's an advanced and a old gameboy color. It's crazy!

I have never been into the gaming much, but I really do LOVE the Wii, I think because it's family fun, that's what makes the difference, and we play games together, without all the violence. I love Rockband theme, and we all play it together, I'm the drummer...yeah baby!!
