Sunday, May 24, 2009

Camera uploads

Also on my Weekend List was for Brian to teach me how to upload pictures from our new camera to Picasa. My mother in law had talked me through it Sunday night, so I decided to give it a shot on my own yesterday (or Friday night, the days are blurring together already). It was just as easy as she had said it'd be.

I'm going to try to take some random shots of our days to post along with the boring text. Perhaps it will be easier to stay on top of things that way.

Also on the Weekend List is for Brian to show me how to save and import the pictures from other people's albums and from our e-mail. I know this isn't super difficult, but it does require him teaching me.

The list is growing shorter and longer all at the same time. There are so many things that need to be done and as we finish one project, I come across another that needs to be added.

Our master bedroom ceiling fan started squeaking horribly this week. So after exhausting all efforts to 'fix' it, we broke down and bought a new fan yesterday. Brian spent the better part of this morning installing the new fan. He did a great job and I'm looking forward to using the 'remote' that came with it.


Queenie327 said...

Way to go Cyn!!

J and D said...

I love the new sneakers. They are nice and plain. Not too Jazzy. And I am impressed how much walking you are doing. Way to go. The freezer of milk is amazing. What a great gift to the twins.

Betsey said...

Sounds like you made a good dent in your list! I wish I could say the same... instead I have a new list and a new deadline....

if you need help with the pictures -just let me know.