Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why I can not blog properly

Here's a run down of today:

Wake early (at 8) for the bug guy.
Wake kids at 10 so they have a prayer of going to bed early Friday night (early morning Saturday)
Start laundry so softball/basketball clothes are clean by Thursday
Try to get to Curves, but will have to pump for 30 minutes prior to going
Lunch for everyone
Take Ciera to pitching lesson at 2:30 (30 min drive one way)
Pump again between dropping Ciera off and taking Logan to his stuff
Take Logan to basketball camp at 5
Leave camp early to get to basketball practice at 6
Hustle home at 7 to hopefully make dinner (if I remember to take anything out of the freezer before leaving at 2:30)
Pump between 7 & 9
Fall into bed hopefully at a decent hour

Things I would LOVE to also get done each day (but have so far been fairly unsuccessful)
pick up stuff that is accumulating everywhere
wipe down counters
clean bathrooms
finish redoing Ciera's room (painted it a few weeks ago)
finish rearranging Logan's room (moved everything due to the spring tail problem we're having in his room)
get to the grocery store
take the dog to the new dog park
price adjustments at Target
returns at Ross
swimming at Grandma's

The schedule changes a bit each day, but it's basically the same. Wash, rinse, repeat. Summer is almost over and soon I can get back to cleaning my house and all of the other things that get put off for summer fun.


Jenni said...

WOW what a day. I know they change but still. Thank you so much for your support. I look forward to your comments. You make my day. Yes, she is getting BIG. I cry when I notice it. It seems to come in waves.

Betsey said...

Only you can decide what priority blogging is and with a schedule like that I can see why it falls to the bottom! That is one crazy, busy schedule!

Wewurtskihit said...

Just reading your day makes me need a vacation!!!