Friday, June 26, 2009

My Terminator

One of my favorite parts of uploading photos is finding random shots the kids have taken. We have tons of shots out the van windows, of random rooftops and the back of our seats. I was delighted to find the following pictures.

On our way home from Lake Tahoe, we stopped at the outlet stores for a bit. Logan decided he really needed/wanted sunglasses. His claim was that they would help him to see his DVD screen in the car better. He insisted that he wasn't concerned with how they looked, he only cared about how things looked while wearing them. A few days later he told Brian and I that when he made a serious face while wearing them, he thought he looked a bit like the Terminator (they'd been watching all of the old ones in preparation for the newest Terminator at the theater).
Logan must've figured this out while taking snapshots of himself on the drive home.

Even a Terminator has to smile once in a while.
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Queenie327 said...

that's our guy!

Jenni said...

awe, he so reminds me of my son. That is just like something he would do. lol. Thank you for the compliment. Jess is doing fine. Still a little tierd from the ordeal but still smiley.

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Hi, just getting myself updated! Great pictures, everyone looks great!!!