Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break in Sacramento

Spring here always brings unexpected weather. For Logan's birthday and Easter I never quite know whether to buy capri's or pants, long sleeve, short sleeve or a tank top! The unpredictable weather is part of what makes it difficult for me to find 'post pregnancy transition' clothes.

Monday was a beautiful day, almost too warm. It was 80 degrees, sunny, blue skies and a slight breeze, really just a perfect day. Sadly the kids and I slept away most of Monday!

We wake up Tuesday to strong winds and an overcast sky. By 3:00 it was raining hard, but by 5:00 it's turned into a nice evening. The winds have died down and it's a pleasant 50 degrees outside.

Although it's unpredictable I wouldn't trade our springs for any other, although Spring in El Paso wasn't too bad either.

Monday we had all sorts of afternoon plans that didn't work out. Unfortunately we didn't replace them with much else. The kids and Brian went to watch a friend of Ciera's play softball and I had dinner with some 'surro' friends. I made it through all of Monday with no chocolate, cookies or candy-Woo Hoo! I did sleep for a 6 hour stretch in the early morning without waking to pump. The 'girls' felt just fine, but it hurt my output for the day.

Tuesday I woke at 1 & 3:45 to pump to try and make up for Monday. We all slept in again and headed to a pitching lesson for Ciera at 1. The lesson got rained out and they cancelled her game for the evening as well. This gave me time to get a 47.5 lb box of frozen milk to FedEx by 5:00, so it all worked out. Ciera has spent the evening finishing up some math that I wasn't aware she had and Logan is spending the evening playing with water balloons that he bought with his birthday giftcard (thanks STE-there is water everywhere!).

I do believe we will sleep in again on Wednesday, but up a little earlier. Ciera gets to spend the day and night at a friends' for her birthday. I believe they get to shop at the mall as well. I'm not sure what Logan and I will do, but we'll be having lasagna and garlic bread for dinner. I'm trying very hard to get the freezer emptied out so we have room to store BM, but every time I use something up I seem to buy something else that needs to be frozen!


J and D said...

Yeah and new blog!!!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Ugh...that's what I said out loud when I heard your spring days go up to 80 degrees. I paid a lot of money just to visit that for a *So jealous*, but glad to hear someone is enjoying it.

Enjoy your spring break and great job on the BM! You cease to amaze me!!